Appearing at The Blogging Curmudgeon, My Left Wing, and the Independent Bloggers' Alliance. "Sanvean (I Am Your Shadow)" -- Dead Can Dance "If a woman's husband dies, let her lead a life of chastity, or else mount his pyre" -- Vishnu Smrti xxv.14 Last month, in the wake of the ghastly stoning death of D'ah Khalil Aswad, My Left Wing's Maryscott O'Connor wrote a passionate indictment of organized religion. Sure, I hate all organized religions. But I especially loathe those religions that use special modes of dress and behaviour to segregate women from men; in itself, that shouldn't mean much, but invariably when women are especially set apart from men, it is generally with the understanding that it is because women are either inferior or dangerous or "unclean." Witness the Hindu widows of India. They cannot remarry. They must not wear jewelry. They are forced to shave their heads and typically wear white. Even their shadows are considered bad luck. This legion of societal outcasts flock to the holy city, Vrindavan, to die. Their hope is to be finally freed from the wheel of karma; from the cycles of life and death. It is understood that Mathura City is the transcendental abode of Lord Krishna. It is not an ordinary material city, for it is eternally connected with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vrindavan is within the jurisdiction of Mathura and still continues to exist. Because Mathura and Vrindavan are intimately connected with Krishna eternally, it is said that Lord Krishna never leaves Vrindavan (vrindavanam parityajya padam ekam na gacchati). At present the place known as Vrindavana in the district of Mathura, continues its position as a transcendental place and certainly anyone who goes there becomes transcendentally purified. In 2000, film-maker Deepa Mehta began production of "Water." The third and final installment of her elements trilogy, it tells of the plight of widows in traditional India. The backdrop of the film is the rise of Mahatma Gandhi, who not only agitated for India’s independence from Britain but also sought to improve the lot of Hindu widows. Colonies like the one depicted in Water aren’t nearly as prevalent in modern India, but according to Mehta, they do still exist. Through advocacy and activism, however, Hindu widows have become more independent. ![]() Burning women is another deeply entrenched Indian tradition. An ancient practice called "sati" (or "suttee") calls for widows to be burned on their husbands' funeral pyres. Now illegal, and rarely practiced, it finds its basis -- like the tradition which consigns widows to lives as social outcasts -- in ancient Hindu scripture. While this immolation was supposed to be a voluntary act of self-sacrifice, in practice women were often forced onto the pyres and tied down. In the late 1700s, affluent Brahman Ram Mohan Roy advocated for reform, and achieved a good deal of success. His arguments were theological in nature. In one of his hypothetical dialogs, he argued that, according to scripture, while widows were proscribed from remarriage, the basis for self-immolation was superseded by the admonition for them to become ascetics. In this point-counterpoint exploration he articulates the position of both the "advocate" and the "opponent" of burning living widows to death. Advocate.—You have made an improper assertion, in alleging that Concremation and Postcremation are forbidden by the Shastrus. Hear what Unggira [Angira—one of the seven rishis or sages of the Hindu tradition] and other saints have said on this subject. I suppose it's arguable that a life shorn of one's hair and begging on the street is better than burning to death, but not by much. As with all religious prescriptions and proscriptions, it's impossible to separate the ideology from the culture. Like in our own primarily Judeo-Christian culture which fixates on a few obscure references to homosexuality at the expense of the more prevalent message of charity, the emphasis says far more about greater cultural mores than scripture. The plight of the Hindu widows may be justified by scripture, but it has it's roots in economics and plain, old-fashioned misogyny. The core of the problem lies in what Indian sociologists call patrilocal residence -- the custom of Hindu brides marrying into their husbands' families, largely severing ties with their own. In many cases, especially when widowhood comes early, this leaves a woman dependent on in-laws whose main interest after her husband's death is to rid the family of the burden of supporting her. "The widow is more inauspicious than all other inauspicious things. At the sight of a widow, no success can be had in any undertaking; excepting one's mother, all widows are void of auspiciousness. A wise man should avoid even her blessings like the poison of a snake." -- Skanda Purana |
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Brides of Death
Friday, July 6, 2007
Rupert Murdoch and Your Media
Evil has many faces.
![]() Rupert Murdoch. Not so grandfatherly from this angle, huh?
Mr. Murdoch has an army of outside lobbyists, who have reported being paid more than $11 million since 1998 to address issues as diverse as trade relations, programming decency and Internet regulation.
Fred Emery, another former Times editor, said Mr. Murdoch once said to him: “I give instructions to my editors all around the world; why shouldn’t I in London?”
"It's a brilliant move on many levels," said Mortimer Zuckerman, editor-in-chief of U.S. News & World Report and chairman and co-publisher of the New York Daily News, which competes head to head with News Corp.'s New York Post. "He’s starting a business channel, and he’ll be able to marry (Dow Jones) to the business channel.
According to one person in each camp, Dow Jones and News Corp. have agreed to create a five-person board to resolve future conflicts between Murdoch and editors of The Wall Street Journal's top news and editorial pages.
James Ottoway Jr. is a former Dow Jones executive and board member who controls about 6.2 percent of the stock.
But Andrew Neil, a former editor for News Corp., isn't impressed. "Rupert Murdoch has been around since the dinosaurs," said Neil. "He knows how to get around any independent board — as he did with me, and as he's done with other editors as well."
Posted by
9:33 AM
Labels: Bernie Goldberg, Bullshit, Fox News, Michelle Malkin
The REAL Gore Story!
Crossposted from Left Toon Lane & My Left Wing ![]() click to enlarge Seriously, 100 miles per hour? That is the real news story. Someone is possessing pot? Bah, who cares? |
To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Bush Compares Iraq To American Revolution, Bush is an Idiot
Bob Higgins Worldwide Sawdust |
The I-Word
How Lesbian Culture Can Explain BushCo
Crossposted from Left Toon Lane & My Left Wing ![]() click to enlarge And no, I am not talking about THAT kinda bush. The premium cable channel Showtime has a show called The L Word, and one character, Alice, has developed a chart to explain the sexual and emotional relationships of the characters on the show. Well, it just so happens that Alice's chart is a great tool to illustrate who is screwing who over in the Bush Administration. After close examination of this chart, it really does explain my chaffing. |
Posted by
Storm Bear
6:25 AM
Labels: Big Oil, bush, cartoons, china, comics, congress, Dick Cheney, gop, hmo, humor, joe wilson, politics, Scooter Libby, Valerie Plame, webcomics
Posted by
2:19 AM
Labels: Avandamet, Avandia, Diabetes, FDA, Pharmaceutical Corporations
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Bright Eyes
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3:12 PM
Labels: Bright Eyes, Conor Oberst, When The President Talks To God
4th of July Flyer
Bumping this back up top for the 4th.
Posted by
Renee in Ohio
12:33 PM
Labels: 4th of July, flyer, Founding Fathers, Independence Day, quotations
This is what we are celebrating today?
Crossposted from Left Toon Lane & My Left Wing ![]() click to enlarge I am just saying, we can’t be very independent if we get all our oil from the Middle East and all our manufactured goods from China. Have a good Fourth of July. |
Posted by
Storm Bear
8:17 AM
Labels: cartoons, china, comics, humor, Independence Day, iraq, politics, webcomics
Captain America Is Dead
“Once Bush stole his way into the White House, America entered a period of decline. Declining influence in the world, declining pre-eminence in science, and declining trust in international affairs. Some of this is normal and some of America's decline is not necessarily such a bad thing. But a lot of it is very bad news indeed. Perhaps the worst decline is that last one I mentioned, trust that the American system will, at the very least, place major checks upon, the megalomania of mentally unstable executives. And here's the nut of the problem: Exactly. Let's not forget, it wasn't specifically Bush that was voted into power, it was what Bush represented. I don’t care how many votes Bush stole; it never should have been that close in the first place. What myopic white people wanted, I think, was for America to stumble backwards into an Utopian Pleasantville, where there were no scary jigaboos, queers, ragheads, or feminazis to worry about. It was a cold, narrow-minded ideology that brutally excluded everyone and everything that gave the United States its unique identity. No, you can't see the "White Only" signs, but we know where they are, and there's more of them every day. It worked, didn’t it? Lots of Americans voted for it twice. Now look where we are. And if we choose not to stop our slow descent into the abyss, then Captain America and the ideals he honored is truly dead. Unlike the comic book hero, the America we used to be so proud of won’t be resurrected. It won’t deserve to. Happy Fourth of July. ![]() |
Posted by
5:58 AM
Labels: Captain America, Gil Scott-Heron, President Bush, Winter In America
Pardon Me (Part II)
Posted by
3:27 AM
Labels: "Scooter" Libby, Dick Cheney, karl rove, Pardon, President Bush
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Up In Smoke
Thirty-two months ago, a young marijuana dealer from Salt Lake City named Weldon Angelos was sentenced to 55 years in prison after a paid informant testified that during three drug transactions Angelos wore a gun on an ankle holster. Here comes the new bullshit, same as the old bullshit. Same as it ever was. Sending guys who deal pot to die in prison ain't got nothing to do with justice. It doesn't do a damned thing to keep us safer. It keeps rapists, killers, and pedophiles on the streets. But it has everything to do with supporting the penal system in this country, which is one of the most profitable industries in the United States. So lawyers, cops, and judges get to stay busy at our expense. Dear God. Too bad if you're a cancer patient who prefers smoking a joint to chemo. How does one escape the dreadful weight of such an awful reality? Get drunk. Smoke a carton or two of Camels. Spend a week's paycheck on lottery tickets. Fuck without a condom. Just don't get high. Medically, it won't kill you, but the stupid laws keeping it illegal will. |
Posted by
5:53 PM
Labels: Drug Laws, marijuana, Salt Lake City, Weldon Angelos
Segregation Now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!
Crossposted from Left Toon Lane & My Left Wing ![]() click to enlarge If the Scooter commutation shows anything, it shows if you are not a Republican, you are a second class citizen. We fought for the last 40 years to wipe segregation from the map and here we have the new segregation within a week of the overturning of Brown Vs. Board of Education. As BushCo wiped away the separation of powers, they built a separation of ideology. My way or the highway, us against them. If you are not for us, you are against us. Wake up folks, this is what fascism looks like. We The People now get to drink from the piss bucket. Ummm minty! |
Posted by
Storm Bear
6:54 AM
Labels: bush, cartoons, comics, humor, politics, Scooter Libby, webcomics
Pardon Me
We are faced with utterly shameless men. Cheney and the rest are looking our representatives right in the eye and saying "You don't have the balls to take down a government. You don't have the sheer testicular fortitude to call us lying sonuvabitches when we lie, to stop us from kicking the rule of law and the Constitution in the ass. You just don't. What's beyond that abyss -- what that would do to our government and our identity as a nation -- terrifies you too much. So get the fuck out of our way." Y'know, these guys think they're so bulletproof right now that a blowjob from a gay hooker dressed like Monica Lewinsky couldn't kick 'em out of office. Lets prove them wrong. |
Posted by
3:25 AM
Labels: "Scooter" Libby, Dick Cheney, Keith Olbermann, Nixon, President Bush
Bush gives Libby "Get Out of Jail Free" card
Howard Dean's statement: “Once again President Bush and the GOP have undermined a core American value: equal justice under the law for every American. By commuting this sentence, President Bush is sending a clear message that the rules don’t apply to the Bush White House or loyal Republican cronies. After promising that anyone who violated the law would be 'taken care of,' President Bush instead handed Scooter Libby a get out of jail free card. Though Libby was convicted by a jury of lying about a matter of national security, President Bush is sparing him the consequences ordinary Americans would face. This conviction was the first moment of justice in a Bush Administration void of accountability. It’s a sad day for America when the President once again puts protecting his friends ahead of equal justice under the law.” |
Posted by
12:32 AM
Labels: "Scooter" Libby, Alan Price, Justice, Presidential Pardon, Valerie Plame
Monday, July 2, 2007
The Group News Blog
Posted by
11:53 PM
Labels: Hubis Sonic, Jesse "Doc" Wendel, Lower Manhattanite, Steve Gilliard, The Group News Blog
Crossposted from Left Toon Lane & My Left Wing ![]() click to enlarge My wife and I went to see SiCKO this past Sunday at the 1:30 matinée. The crowd was thin, but it was just as crowded as the theater showing Die Hard. The film was different from other Michael Moore works as it focused on an issue without a single-person focus such as Roger Smith, George Bush or Charlton Heston - this film had a lot of stars and a lot of sad stories and all of them were tear jerkers. Moore targeted an industry and did it well while managing to crucify both Democrats and Republicans for taking bribes (I call them that) from the health care titans of industry. My favorite guy was the philosophical older British gentleman who spoke on the power of democracy and I think he made one of the greatest points of the film. Democracy moves the power of government from the rich to the poor and if the poor ever feel disenfranchised, they stop voting - so it is in the interest of the rich to disenfranchise. Leave it to the British to sum up our voting problems here in the former colonies. Two of the most emotional moments for me were both scenes from Cuba. One of the women who worked on The Pile had severe respiratory problems resulting from her exposure to Ground Zero. Her disability check was about $1000 a month and just one of her inhalers ran close to $100 each - in Cuba, she learned the inhalers were five cents. You could see the pain and elation on her face when she learned the price difference. The other was a woman who had cancer and lost her house due to medical bills. Once she was in her hospital bed, she expressed her gratitude and her utter disbelief over the cost of her treatment - free. You could see her relief of being helped and her frustration of her American health car experience - murder-by-spreadsheet. What the fuck is wrong with us? And lastly, in the beginning of the film, where the parents had to move in with their daughter - would it have KILLED the daughter to at least clean up with room where she stuffed her parents? After all, her Dad has had THREE hear attacks and her mother had cancer (mentioned previously). Hadn’t they been through enough without you dumping then in your cramped, junk-filled storeroom? |
Posted by
Storm Bear
6:45 AM
Labels: cartoons, comics, health care, humor, michael moore, politics, sicko, webcomics
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Is There Any Light At the End of the Tunnel?
“I think you reserve impeachment for grave, grave breeches, and intentional breeches of the president's authority."I can understand the argument that impeachment isn’t practical in the time Bush/Cheney have left. I don’t agree with it but I can understand it. But Obama's implying this administration isn’t guilty of grave breaches of authority. With judgment like that why should I regard him as any better than Senator Clinton? Rhetorically, I prefer Senator John Edwards to the other declared candidates. But I can’t follow all his contortions and contradictions about whether or not he read the National Intelligence Estimate prior to casting the most important vote of his one term in the Senate. Nor do I see a viable savior among Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich or Bill Richardson. Even worse, I don’t believe Americans have a moral problem with the Iraq War. Americans are fed up with Iraq because we’re losing. Ultimately, our leaders reflect each of us. I know cynicism undermines activism. I hate feeling cynical. It’s like an insidious toxin ravaging my guts. I’ve registered many voters by telling them apathy and cynicism is what the war mongering agents of status quo greed rely on to perpetuate their outrageous rule. Cynicism doesn't wear well with me. Perhaps I’m just going through a funk. Supposedly this country is becoming more liberal in its attitudes, especially among the young. And we’ve overcome obstacles such as the Great Depression, Adolph Hitler and avoided Armageddon during the Cold War. History is replete with calamities and the sun still rises everyday. But when I look at the religious fanaticism gripping this country and the world, the globalization predator that promotes slave labor and poverty, the ticking time bomb of global warming and continued genocide in places like Darfur, hope is elusive. Obama wrote about the "Audacity of Hope" and Senator Clinton married the man from Hope but neither inspires it. I’m not giving up. I’ll probably volunteer through Citizen Action New York in 2008 instead of carrying a partisan party banner. Best to think locally and act globally. Make a difference where I can. But if there is some kind of light at the end of the tunnel I'm not seeing it right now. |
Posted by
Robert Ellman
1:48 PM
Labels: barack obama, Bob Higgins, hillary clinton, John Edwards, Maryscott O'Connor, Supreme Court
Flying from Extinction
WASHINGTON -She has accused 9/11 widows of enjoying their husbands' deaths, mocked Hillary Clinton for having "chubby little legs" and says Democrats--pretty much by definition--are "the Spawn of Satan." Good. Maybe I’m foolishly choosing to see this vulgar episode through rose-colored pragmatism, but I think there’s a dim silver lining to be found in the mushroom cloud Coulter left behind: It’s seeing how scared Coulter and the rest of the Republican Party is of Edwards. Not Obama. Not Clinton. Edwards. Let’s put the cards on the table, O.K.? I don’t care how politically incorrect it sounds, but I think that once the gaudy fireworks fades and the smoke clears, the Last Democrat Standing is going to be Edwards. Why? Well, because he’s an articulate, charismatic, intelligent, handsome white man, that’s why. Hallucinating about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as viable presidential candidates is a waste of time, money, energy, and oxygen. Regardless of how loudly the pundits and the pollsters pontificate, a sizable percentage of voters are going to vote for the white guy. To believe otherwise is dangerous. Why? Because the Republicans will then run a Trojan Horse Candidate in 2008, a handsome, well-spoken "moderate" white guy that the other white guys can feel good about. Romney? He’s not African-American. Giuliani? He’s not female. That’ll be good enough for all the undecided voters, fence-sitters, bigots, and the Republicans hiding in the closet of the Democratic Party. But not for us and the rest of America. Eight years of Bush is too long. Another four years of Bush Lite isn't what this country needs. Hopefully, it looks like John and Elizabeth Edwards have finally learned that turning the other cheek is a stupid idea, especially in the violent, barbed-wire arena of politics. Good. That's how you win elections. |