Saturday, September 13, 2008
Bob Herbert, New York Times Columnist
Friday, September 12, 2008
Black Republicans are getting very little respect from black folks or white folks
It don't make a difference how many billboards the paper tiger National Black Republican Association erects saying MLK was a Republican. Black Republicans are getting very little respect from black folks or white folks. There are many reasons why. Including the Republican National Party acting like the White Citizens Council towards black participation, even at the latest 2008 Republican convention. Here are just 10 of the most current ways black Republicans don't get respect from blacks or whites. 1. Among the party's 2,380 delegates gathered in St. Paul in 2008 only 36 were African Americans and very few other visible minorities were to be found on the convention floor. We see how the Republicans treat you. 2. That number marks a 78 percent decline from 2004, the lowest representation in 40 years and a huge deficit when compared to the 1,079 delegates at last week's Democratic National Convention. You get no respect. 3. The Maryland delegation, a state whose population is 29 percent black, did not have any other African American in attendance at the Republican National convention (except Micheal Steele). Ouc, that stat speaks for itself. 4. For the past six years there has not been a single black Republican governor, senator or representative in the US Congress. Getting the point yet? 5. Only one African American was given the opportunity to address the convention during prime time -- former Maryland governor Michael Steele. Black folks have no real voice in the National party. 6. The three states that track voting registration by party and race show Black Republican registration dropping slightly: Florida has lost 784 Black Republicans; Louisiana’s Black Republicans dropped by 907; and North Carolina has 2,850 fewer Black Republicans. More HERE No one is feelin the republicans, except for a few silly black folks. 7. Tavis Smiley moderated a Republican presidential forum at Morgan Sate University in Maryland, where candidates for the first time answered questions from “a panel exclusively comprised of journalists of color.” Controversy is surrounding the event, however, as the four Republican frontrunners — Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, and Sen. John McCain — opted to ditch the debate. Empty lecterns stood on the stage in their place. Republicans ignore Black People. 8. Blacks should listen to another Black Republican Former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele, one of the most prominent African-Americans in the GOP, who called the above PBS debate “an important opportunity for” candidates “to put up or shut up, when it to comes to minority communities in the country.” John Mccain, the leader of the Republican party was a no show. 9. As Smiley said, the refusal of the Republican frontrunners to appear at the All-American Presidential Forum is “serving up some disrespect to black and brown Americans,” whether they be Republicans, Democrats or Independents. AAPP: The Republican party don't like black people.
Cross posted on Independent Bloggers Alliance and African America Political |
Posted by
11:49 AM
Labels: Billboards, blacks MLK, Democrats, Race matters, Republican Party
The Talented Mr. Damon
Amateur Night
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Keith Olbermann
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2:32 AM
Labels: "Sociological Pornography", 9/11, Exploitation, Manipulation
Another Anniversary
Here are some fine words by PalMD from denialism blog: I fear for this anniversary. Like everyone else, my memories of 9/11 are vivid. It is a shared experience for Americans, but as time goes on, it is losing its shared meaning. Some of this meaning will, I'm sure, continue to be shunted into political ends, even more so with the election coming up. ![]() |
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Gloria Steinem, Activist
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7:58 AM
Labels: Feminism, Gloria Steinem, hillary clinton, Shirley Chisholm
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Stealing Elections 101
Appearing at The Jaundiced Eye, the Independent Bloggers' Alliance, and My Left Wing. ![]() With a tip of the hat to cometman, an update on the horror show that is Premier Election Systems, or Diebold. Cometman's other excellent diary, introducing cyber security expert Stephen Spoonamore, can no longer be found on Pff, because Pff is no more. Fortunately Arthur Gilroy reprinted it in full and it can be found here. Both of the Spoonamore interviews to follow. But first, this bit of joy from the Washington Post. A voting system used in 34 states contains a critical programming error that can cause votes to be dropped while being electronically transferred from memory cards to a central tallying point, the manufacturer acknowledges. So, in 34 states, over 10 years this flaw that causes tabulation problems has only occurred 9 times. We know this because it's only been caught by election officials 9 times. Well, I know I feel better. But now, the bad news. Diebold's voting machines may be riddled with problems such as these and we would have no way of knowing because Diebold won't allow any audit of their programming. Stephen Spoonamore, a cyber security expert, who has made a career of auditing similar systems, is baffled as to why to Diebold allows its banking systems to be audited, but not its voting machines. Well, not really. This life-long Republican is pretty sure he knows why. Because they're designed to steal elections. Among the revelations in these two interviews: 1) There is no such thing as unhackable computer security. The only defense is a transparent process that can be audited and Diebold won't allow it. 2) Spoonamore is certain that Max Cleland actually won the election he lost to the odious Saxby Chamblis. 3) A voting tabulator should have no reason to subtract votes, only add them. Yet, the Diebold machines have a subtraction function. And much, much more. |
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3:13 AM
Labels: Dick Cheney, George Bush, John McCain, sarah palin
Monday, September 8, 2008
A Day of Blogging for Community Organizing Justice
Black bloggers from around the afrosphere are blogging about the role of community organizers. for me it's about how community organizers in America have historically responded to the needs of America particularly African Americans. We canot kid ourselves that the importance of community organizers was recently highlighted by Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Palin and Rudy Guiliani in their remarks that actually spit in the face of the hundreds of thousands of community organizers, many who have been African Americans and many other Americans. community organizers worked to change our society from a segregated society to a more open a free society. Both Rudy Guiliani's and Palin's ugly, sarcastic, and ignorant comments about Obama's experience as a community organizer during their speeches at the Republican National Convention had clear racial connotations. Ms. Palin's remarks made this AAPP believe that Ms. Palin would like to send us back to the days of a segregated society like the days experienced by so many Americans.In the Republican National Conventions words and deeds it would have black folks as segregated as it's 2008 Convention or as segregated as the 1950's. But thank God there were Civil Rights community organizers both black and white, who wanted this madness to stop. Thank God for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, CORE, the NAACP, the Urban League, the Economic Research and Action Projects of the Students for a Democratic Society, The Black Panther Party, the Nation of Islam, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Fredrick Douglas, these groups and individuals fundamental positive social change. We all know how many of these groups were infiltrated by the FBI and their leaders harassed, jailed or murdered. Last week I got the sense that under a Mccain administration wemight just go back to a day when political community organizers may just be harassed, jailed or God forbid other things that Republicans have been known to do against black activist. Read more of this post at: African American Political |
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4:34 PM
Labels: A Day of Blogging for Community Organizing Justice, Afrospear
Palin Speaks With Press
![]() click to enlarge To quote the Kwisatz Haderach, "Fear Is The Mind-Killer." And I must admit, I fear a McCain/Palin administration and admittedly, I fear a Palin administration even more. If McCain is a maverick, Palin is pure chaos. Why am I so fearful? Where do I even start? First off, I am afraid the American public is still horrifically stupid. They voted for Bush in vast numbers TWICE, plus they gave him swollen approval ratings when it was obvious there was no basis for it. Are these Bush fans thinking, "third time is the charm?" These people are low-information voters and have consisantly voted against their best economic interests time and time again. They just can't seem to get enough of failure, torment and pain. It is quite remarkable. For some unknown reason, these voters do not understand the danger of our deficit, national debt and the debt hole. They do not understand that buying from Walmart puts Americans out of work. They seem to have forgotten that American families used to only need one breadwinner - now it takes two spouses and a pile of credit cards to make ends meet. There was a time in Amercia where we took pride in our national parks. My great grandparents used to think very highly of how we as Americans set aside the Great Smokey Mountains, the Petrified Forest, Yellowstone, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon. I have ancestors that cut the route for the Blue Ridge Parkway. But now the mantra is "drill baby, drill." My parents, grandparents and great-grandparents used to always think about saving and conserving. They all grew up in hard times in the rough patches of West Virginia. "Why buy a new shovel when you can fix the one you have?" was a saying of Andrew Keys, my great-grandfather who spent a lifetime coal mining and keeping a farm near Spanishburg, West Virginia. The Republicans seem to have forgotten how to work together. It is there way and they will advance their position with no outside help. That is a very divisive way of thinking. As some of you may know, I run a soldier support charity, Books For Soldiers. During Katrina, I worked with Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan to set-up a relief network for residents of the Gulf Coast. We set out to deliver food, medicine and clothing to those who were affected by the hurricane. When some of the Books For Soldiers volunteers figured out that Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan were helping out, they refused to help Americans in need because, and I quote from their emails, "because the medicine might be delivered by Democrats." No shit. So I fear. I fear that half of this nation will continue to not use their brains and vote for McCain / Palin and we will finally lose America. Forever. |
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Storm Bear
11:04 AM
Labels: cartoons, comics, humor, John McCain, politics, sarah palin, webcomics