Thursday, July 24, 2008

Political Bloggers ooVoo to the next level of high tech blogging/conferencing

Sign Up and Join Me and Other Political Bloggers starting Monday July 28, 2008

I'm joining leading political bloggers, including a number of afrospear bloggers, covering the entire spectrum of belief and persuasion enabled by the leader in face-to-face multi-person video chat. Join me on one of My ooVoo Day Political online conferencing.

Sign up and speak out!

Click on the preview ooVoo video to to get a full explanation of the event, how it works and out-takes from the previous My ooVoo Day which brought together 25 technology bloggers and their communities for dynamic sessions focusing on social media and the changing face of communications.

It's is an eight day online video conferencing event. You will find all the information you need here to participate. Search the list of participating bloggers here. Review the calendar and participate in a live, six-way web-based video conference. Pick a blogger whose political views match your own, or enter into a lively conversation with someone from “the other side of the aisle!”

Meet the 2008 My ooVoo Day Political Bloggers. Get to know each host through their welcome video or simply click through to their blog. Find a host participant you want to meet on ooVoo and sign up. Remember you can join in or more than one ooVoo enabled video conference! Register to talk with me and some of your favorite bloggers. See partial list below. Don't forget to download so we can conference.

Sign Up and join African American Political Pundit

Topic: Elections issues

Session 1: The Politics of Race In America
Monday, July 28th 9 - 9:30pm EST

Session 2: White, Black, Latino and Indian bloggers - United or divided?
Tuesday, July 29th 9 - 9:30pm EST

Session 3: Are Black bloggers really shut out of the DNC Convention?
Wednesday, July 30th 9 - 9:30pm EST

Session 4: Should Hillary be the next V.P. ?
Thursday, July 31st 9 - 9:30pm EST

Session 5: Why are Black Women Angry?
Friday, August 1st 9 - 9:30pm EST

Session 6: Can a black man be President?
Saturday, August 2nd 9 - 9:30pm EST

Session 7: Should blacks join the Republican Party?
Sunday, August 3rd 9 - 9:30pm EST

Session 8: Are black bloggers preaching to the choir?
Monday, August 4th 9 - 9:30pm EST

Check out Afrospear/Afrosphere members:

Arlene Fenton

Black Women Vote!

Black women in the media

Baratunde Thurston


Political brown folks online

Liza Sabater


Diversity, Conventions and Bush's Exit

Don't forget to check out other great bloggers like my Latino sisters and brother:

Marisa Treviño, Adriana Maestas & Edmundo Rocha

Latina Lista, Latino Politics Blog & XicanoPwr

Latino Bloggers not getting answers from presidential candidates regarding the issue of Latino leadership.

There's More...